With a substack interview with Nietzsche by Juliette Masch; critical endnotes
“Thus Spoke Zarathustra” can definitely be regarded as a very important work of Nietzsche, in order for the reader to grasp his thoughts as evolving and revolving as to head to the non-conclusion through the mind-blowing paths of seemingly infinite confusions. We must assert, additionally, his confusions are meant to be deliberate. The purpose is to deconstruct1 the established thoughts in the intellectual history of the western civilization for new questions to raise. The point most obvious is its elevation effect to be declined by Zarathustra himself.
Contradictions are ubiquitous, that becomes the subject for mockeries over mockeries of people at Zarathustra who is often at the center of humiliations and verbal attacks. Fool! Mad man! Insane! Get out from our sight, idiot! However, nothing stops his devotion.
No one understands me.
Such is the most valid evidence to support Zarathustra’s claim on the whole course of the human history to be very wrong. Consequentially (or not), he is quite monologues. He recites poems in lamentation or pretended despair, sometimes by pointing out the ancients also made mistakes to assume the fate depending on the divine force of astronomical astrology.
Turn and turning….
Hold on, let us say. Eternal recurrence is your pivotal theme to turn around, correct?
Conversation with Nietzsche:
Friedrich Nietzsche : FN
Juliette Masch : JM
JM: Hi, very nice to have you today on my substack! Welcome!
JM; … well, silence… It’s ok. (JM takes time to reconstruct her stance for a minute)
JM: Please let me begin with your Par-delà le bien et le mal or Beyond Good and Evil. How did you reach the idea of the will to power2 from the consciousness of religion as a symbolic instinct?
(minutes have passed in silence)
JM: … all right… Well.. in “Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra or Thus Spoke Zarathustra”, he traveled with his disciples and became later alone again. I also noticed his disciples tend to interpret Zarathustra with their comments and they prefer listening to grandeurs in parables ….. can I describe it as parable? That sounds like Jesus in The New Testament, I know. But Zarathustra often uses “en vérité or telling the truth” at the beginning of his discours like Jesus did.
(FN’s physiognomies show ambiguous discontent)
This is a big word for the modernity. Deconstructivism is a powerful pillar of Post-modernism. Almost all studies on the major figures of Post-modernism point at Nietzsche influence on them.
The controversies and the huge polemic on Nietzsche are often found in his self-identification as belonging to the northern (European) race in contradistinction to the southern Europeans. His “the will to power”, combined with his thoughts on superior human beings are linked to Hitler and his genocide of Jewish people. (note: Nietzsche and Hitler are not contemporaries)
To make the thing worse to Nietzsche, Nazis’ persecution of Jews is connected to Nietzsche’s provocation against Christians (Jews) who were chased and killed by Romans during the Christianity’s propagation era in its early history. Hitler also lectured the present Greeks and Italians are not direct descendants of ancient Romans and Greeks whose physical traits and *superior* characteristics are on NorthernAnglo-saxons in Europe.
There are other reasons to see Nietzsche have no good luck in this blame. His theses are not easy reading for modern readers because of many factors which contradict social and political correctness by today’s standards of morality.
In consideration of those above mentioned, Zarathustra can be said as a uniquely interesting work of Nietzsche. It is fragmental and allegorical in different forms with a strong flavor of folktales. Biblical allusions are also found while Zarathustra in continuous die-hard manners makes allegations against the binary concept of God and the created in the world. Nietzsche’s fundamental question in philosophy is about all of inadequacies in the language, which cannot elucidate what human being is. Zarathustra, therefore, circles around in all possible ways in order to find the eternal invalidity of that question and its answer.