If any
AUDIO AND TEXT: On imposter; Authenticity of my photo in 2004; Imposters must be happy even in Hell; Nikki Haley on The Breakfast Club; Mindset of trauma psychiatrist (speculative)
Introduction: what topics will be covered in this piece?
Film (a bit of), current affairs (a little bit), and other things will be touched on. That’s my intention at least at this moment. I’d also like to follow up the last few dogmatic opinions of mine, boldly published here at Juliette Masch Writes, notably on psychology.
Let me begin with my past film review:
On Nov. 7, 2022, “Imposter Truth” as I titled, I published my writing about the documentary film, The Imposter (2012: director, Bart Layton). Here is the link to my film review link.
It is a real story. Nicholas Barclay, 13 year-old boy, disappeared in 1994 in Texas, whose imposter was Frédéric Bourdin by his claim of being Nicholas Barclay. Please use the link above to grasp my arguments.
Quick references to Frédéric Bourdin:
Screenshots from a few sources;
(This “We’re not done yet.” is the last sentence, which means I didn’t cut it narrow down)
Screenshots of NYT movie review:
This movie review is free access online as of today (2/4/24). I found it by a google search. The choice of my screenshot insertion is random. The volume of materials appears to be abondant.
My voice recording is true and genuine with no digital manipulations:
Additionally, let me say:
If you’ve already gone to the link for my Imposter Truth, you must have inevitably noticed two photos of myself. Today, digital alterations are nothing special. Abuse, fake, deep fake, anything are easy by hands of people with technical skills. In short, I’m prone to being a victime of such acts. See the photo below, which I insert for this post in particular.
This is me in 2004. The frame made with pieces of color paper was to hide the official information on the page which the photo is on as well as for a designed layout. The marks at the upper right corner and the lower left alike are governmental. The photo was taken not by a digital camera. In bref, this photo is thus very official and true. Those days, my hair was much more voluminous in the way that its weight made the wavy front sides of my hair down. The hair color was also simply all black. In somme, this photo is authentically me at that time with no tricky modification. Telling another truth, this is the second time I post this photo in public, after the first occasion, my Facebook, on which I described the photo as having been taken in the last century, that is a loose timeline according to me. As said above, its year was 2004.
The reason for the desire for being someone else rather than oneself:
Morality based psychological resistance or any kind of hesitation regarding truth and all truths seem to be absent in imposters’ minds. The above mentioned Frédéric Bourdin acted according to the information of missing people to be his models in order to (re)construct lives which were not his. I have incidentally another publication of documentary film, “WINE UNDER CONTROL” link. The film, Sour Grapes (2016; directed by Ruben Atlas and Jerry Rothwell), focused on the personnage, Rudy Kurniwan, whose skills and mentality are different from Bourdin. It’s also a real story.
Kurniwan’s lies were money driven, but not only for that exclusively, necessarily. Then, for what? For social games on spheres of high end life with rich circles, or plainly for his fun to be a deadpan face liar. Flatly deceptive, flattered and flattering, he was a seeker of excitements from his faked investments.
I in fact regard my piece WINE UNDER CONTROL as comprehensively better than my Imposter Truth. Successful imposters in general are likable with smiles, jokes, and a good speaker and sociable. There is no guilt from their lies, because for them their faked lives uncontestably become their self-imposed privileges.
In my sense, therefore, conversely, certain types of imposters would assert such lives are their truths, whatever happens to them legally, being prosecuted by laws or not regardless, in some cases even with the length of their lies over years as their protective shields while saying people who lived in all moments of their lives have to be convicted if they are convicted, because all those were parts having circumstantially supported their doing.
In my other sense, socio- or psychopathic imposters could be happy liars after life or even in Hell (as named tentatively) regardless, because a tormentative state of minds is non-existent for them. Equally absent for them is, let me say, a notion and an immediate apprehension of human happiness in relation to truth.
Nikki Haley wants to fix the chaos:
Nikki Haley lamentes and expresses her indignations with acute criticism on Trump and Biden as to be too old to lead the country which is now chaotic. Haley does not regard Kamala Harris as competent at all. She continues to point out Obama divided the US [into fragments of different identities]. I refer to The Breakfast Club, the most recent interview by Charlemagne the God who endorsed Haley.
Link here
In my view from the interview/conversation, Nikki Haley is someone of common senses in her full capacity, shareable with many common people. She sounds like a member of school board in any town, or a fantastically wonderful mother in PTA. Racism has never been intended since the foundation of the US, because all kids need to know the US has never been so. She then does not want strong counter-attacks on Iran to be destroyed. Haley fixes her opinions quickly and I believe that’s sincere in her part. By all means, I do not dislike her, I however would not, very likely, vote for her. I am probably too skeptical to believe a magic wand able to fix everything by a new president of beautiful enthusiasm. So, the fault falls on me, if you like to say so. I just do not understand how politics and political class can be separated.
Psychology and home:
Psychiatrists of trauma, who seek models for their theory to prove thus their career, the ideal object will be a person of eccentricity, social oddity utterly, in a home bound trauma to be dug out from the depth. To make the ending short and crisp for this post, oh surely let me say, I am an American for there is no more home to go back. Trauma anecdotes in full of lies have been made by my imposters, ridiculous and idiotic, infantile and cartoonish, porns or worms, anytime in tears for convenience, backed up by a band of petty misogynists who have registered the copyrights of my publications behind me. Oh certainly, I have no track for anything official on my family registration over there and who’ve gotten legitimate copies of the document with mayors’ seals, too bad! What’s for? I mean this paragraph. For finishing it up to continue.
Closing to say thank you and bye: